Curriculum for Adult Educators on Training program
Coaching for female employment in the digital sector to promote gender equality in the labour market

1. Introduction to the project
The main aim of the project is to encourage recognition of adult educators’ competences to become the coaches for motivating disadvantaged women to get employment in the digital sector.
Objectives of the project Go-Digital are:
- To develop adult educators’ competences in motivating disadvantaged women to take part in learning towards employment in the digital sector of the labour market.
- To promote gender equality in the access to learning and use of employment in the digital sector (including ICT) by female learners.
- To improve recognition and supporting the validation of competences acquired through non-formal training course “Coach on female employment in the digital sector to promote gender equality in the labour market” by using the assessment tool and digital badge.
- To increase demand and take-up of re-qualifications of disadvantaged women into the digital sector of the labour market through effective coaching and motivation strategies.
- To supply high-quality learning opportunities for disadvantaged women to motivate them towards re-qualification in the digital sector of the labour market.
Three main intellectual outputs:
- IO1- Training program for adult educators “Coaching for female employment in the digital sector to promote gender equality in the labour market”.
- IO2- Assessment tool to recognise the adult educator-coach competences and provide them with the digital badges.
- IO3- Set of Open Educational Resources (OERs) for women: “Why re-qualification for employment in the digital sector is important for me?”
- Adult educators-coaches.
- Women with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities.
More information about the Go-Digital partnership, results and outcomes may be found on the website: godigital.lmlo.lt

2. Aim and objectives of the Curriculum

The main aim of the Curriculum is to define the framework of the training course for adult educators “Coaching for female employment in the digital sector to promote gender equality in the labour market – Go-Digital”.
The objectives of the Curriculum are:
- to present the main definitions of the coaching process for female employment in the digital sector;
- to define the adult educators’ competences to be a coach for motivating disadvantaged women to get employment in the digital sector;
- to define the aim and modular structure of the Go-Digital training course;
- to describe the content of three training modules of the Go-Digital training course;
- to present the main learning outcomes of the training course;
- to define training and learning strategies, the assessment strategy and teaching and learning facilities of the Go-Digital training course;
- to suggest the Training plan for the Go-Digital training course.
3. Main definitions of the coaching process for female employment in the digital sector
The findings of the State of Art created a basis for developing a Curriculum of Training program for adult educators “Coaching for female employment in the digital sector to promote gender equality in the labour market”. The full version of the State of Art Report could be found here: godigital.lmlo.lt.
The main definitions from the State of art are the following.
The digital sector is an extension of the ICT sector and includes the industries in which the majority of activities are digital.
The possible job positions in the Digital sectors, which the project want to promote for women, are those, which are 80% or more related with using of the digital equipment like personal computers, internet, robots, mobile phone applications etc.
The coaching for female employment in the digital sector is defined in this project as collaborating with women, including with disadvantaged background, in a thought-provoking and creative learning process that inspires them to maximize their personal potential to set the goals and develop the actions’ plan for further steps to enter the digital jobs.
Some examples of the Digital sector’s components are the following: Manufacture of electronic components, Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment, Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software, Publishing, Software publishing, Computer programming, consultancy and related activities, Wired and Wireless telecommunications activities etc.
Taking into account the challenges defined in the State of Art, the role of the prepared coaches in order to support and motivate women is really important.
4. The aim and the modular structure of the Training program “Coaching for female employment in the digital sector in order to promote gender equality in the labour market - Go-Digital”
The main aim of the Go-Digital training program is to develop adult educators’ competences to become the coaches for female employment in the digital sector.
The objectives are:
- to deepen the adult educators’ understanding on how to promote gender equality in the access to learning and use of employment in the digital sector;
- to increase the adult educators’ capacity to motivate female learners to take part in learning towards employment in the digital sector of the labour market;
- to equip the adult educators with effective coaching and motivation strategies to increase demand and take-up of re-qualifications of female learners into the digital sector of the labour market.
To achieve the aim and objectives, the training program is oriented to develop six core competences of adult educators-couches, which are defined during the State of Art and are grouped into two clusters: specific and basic.
Specific competences of the coach, related to promoting gender balances in the digital sector through education:
- Understanding of gender equality.
- Understanding of importance for women to be employed in the digital sector.
Basic coaching competences needed to become a coach for women in order to start the jobs in the digital sector:
- Meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards.
- Establishing a trust-based relationship with the women-learner.
- Communicating effectively.
- Facilitating learning and its results.
To cover three objectives of the training program and defined above six competences, it has a modular structure with 3 modules.
Module I “Gender equality in the learning environment and the labour market” to develop specific competence: Understanding of gender equality.
Module II “Digital sector – new opportunities for women’s progress towards the higher qualifications and better position in the labour market” in order to develop specific competence Understanding of importance for women to be employed in the digital sector.
Module III “Effective coaching and motivation strategies to increase demand and take-up of re-qualifications of women into a digital sector of the labour market” to develop four basic coaching competences: Meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards; Establishing a trust-based relationship with the female learner; Communicating effectively; Facilitating learning and its results.
The training material for each of the module is oriented to deepening competences, skills and abilities, defined in Annex 1″List of the Competences, skills and abilities.
The duration of the training course is 60 academic hours in total, including:
- 42 a.h. of online training and
- 18 a.h. of 3 face-to-face sessions (kick-off, midterm, final).
Face to face sessions might be classroom-based or internet base, using ICT tools, like Skype, Zoom etc.
This duration of the course is defined using the European Credit Transfer System in order to ensure that in each partner’s country the learners will get 2 academic credits.
5. MODULE I. "Gender equality in the learning environment and the labour market"
The aim of Module I is to develop the adult educator-coach competence “Understanding of gender equality”.
The objectives of the Module I are to:
- deepen the adult educators’ understanding of gender equality in the learning environment labour market;
- raise awareness of the necessity to apply the competence “Understanding of gender equality” within the coaching process;
- deepen knowledge on five main skills related to the competence “Understanding of gender equality”;
- ensure the possibility for self- checking of the obtained knowledge;
- provide adult educators with links and references for deepening their knowledge on the competence “Understanding of gender equality”.
Theoretical background
The adult educator-coach competence Understanding of gender equality is the ability to act with full respect to women and men, treat them equally and react properly to gender-discriminatory situations in the learning environment.
This competence is based on the knowledge of the basic non-discrimination and gender equality concepts defined in the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (United Nations, 1979). Awareness of multiple discrimination and the main principles of anti-discriminatory behaviour in the learning environment is very important as well. Knowledge of European Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 (European Commission, 2020) as well as Directive (EU) 2019/1158 (European Parliament, 2019) include an understanding of the barriers to women’s equal participation in the (re-)training program and labour market and the opportunities created by the implementation of the principles of work-life balance. Awareness of the measures to eliminate gender stereotypes as defined in the European Pact for Gender Equality (2011-2020) (The Council of EU, 2011) is important for achieving the gender-balanced labour market.
In order to improve and increase the adult educator-coach competence Understanding of gender equality the following main skills will be developed during the training course:
- Awareness of discrimination by gender and multiple discrimination
- Demonstration of anti-discriminatory behaviour in the learning environment
- Understanding the barriers to women’s equal participation in the (re-)training program
- The realisation of opportunities for work-life balance
- Awareness of gender stereotypes in the labour market
Awareness of discrimination by gender and multiple discrimination
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will be trained on how to analyse and understand (anti)discriminatory international and national acts, identify gender-based discriminatory behaviour, distinguish between direct and indirect discrimination, recognize multiple discrimination (for example age and gender, race and gender), analyse the statistical data related to gender and multiple discrimination in EU and your country, analyse how discrimination is handled, cope with discrimination.
Demonstration of anti-discriminatory behaviour in the learning environment
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will be trained on how to identify the cases of gender and multiple discrimination in the learning environment, avoid discriminatory behaviour in the classroom towards female learners, react properly to any discriminatory situations in the classroom, analyse and prevent discriminatory behaviour of learners in the learning environment.
Understanding the barriers to women’s equal participation in the (re-) training program
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will be trained on how to identify many different barriers in limiting women’s access to participation in re/training programs helping them to find a job in the digital sector, explain to female learners the reasons and benefits of retraining needed to start a career in the digital sector, show the ways how female learners can overcome the barriers to re/training needed to work in the digital sector, empower women’s equal participation in re/training program to prepare them to work in the digital sector, use the success stories for female learners coaching.
The realisation of opportunities for work-life balance
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will be trained on how to explain female learners the concept of work-life balance (WLB), identify the importance of WLB measures for women’s career advancement, understand work-life measures which could be undertaken by the employer, education organisations and state to promote equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market, promote the concept of the work-file balance within the family life, explain the importance of men’s involvement in childcare, in caring for elderly and dependent people, discuss with female learners what appropriate measures are for achieving work-life balance in their lives.
Awareness of gender stereotypes in the labour market
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will be trained on how to identify the gender stereotypes in the labour market, understand and avoid gendered stereotyping in the digital market in the coaching process, analyse the role of education, qualification and requalification in order to overcome stereotypes in the labour market, analyse the consequences of the traditional/ stereotypical female and male roles in the labour market, explain the necessity to change the traditional roles of men and women in the labour market, analyse the stereotypes existing in re-/qualification and employment in the digital sector.
- In order to make the online learning process more attractive and interactive, and to ensure the possibility for self- checking of the obtained knowledge, self-assessment questionnaire with at least four closed questions will be available for each of the five skills, defined above. At the end of the module, the set of question for self-reflection are provided as well.
- The adult educators-learners are provided with the useful links in English and national languages for further deepening of the knowledge for this Module.
6. Module II. "Digital sector - new opportunities for women's progress towards the higher qualifications and better position in the labour market"
The aim of Module II is to develop the adult educator-coach competence Understanding of importance for women to be employed in the digital sector.
The objectives of Module II are to:
- increase the adult educators’ capacity to motivate female learners to take part in learning towards employment in the digital sector of the labour market;
- raise awareness of the necessity to apply the competence “Understanding of importance for women to be employed in the digital sector“ within the coaching process;
- deepen knowledge on five main skills related to the competence “Understanding of importance for women to be employed in the digital sector”;
- ensure the possibility for self- checking of the obtained knowledge;
- provide adult educators with links and references for deepening their knowledge on the competence “Understanding of importance for women to be employed in the digital sector”.
Theoretical background
The adult educator-coach competence Understanding importance of women employment in the digital sector is the ability to act towards empowering women to join the digital sector of the labour market.
The competence is based on the knowledge of existing gender-based vertical and horizontal segregation in the labour market as one of the most pervasive and persistent aspects of the contemporary global economy showing the unequal distribution of women and men in the workforce (Gender segregation in education, training and the labour market, EIGE, 2017). It also impacts the gender pay gap which stands at 16% in the EU following EIGE Gender Statistics Database (EIGE, 2019). Awareness about the factors influencing the gender pay gap is also very important for understanding the ways to reduce gender pay gap in the labour market (How to Decrease Gender Pay Gap in 7 Steps, 2017). Awareness of women’s employment opportunities in the digital sector (Digital Sector Economic Estimates, 2016) creates a basis for the coach to motivate female learners towards employment in the digital sector. Knowledge of European Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 (European Commission, 2020) includes understanding the importance to empower women to tackle gender discrimination in the labour market, especially in the digital sector. Awareness of growing gap between men and women’s participation in the digital sector in education, career and entrepreneurship (Study on Women in Digital Age, 2018) includes understanding that the share of women working in the digital market has to be increased, as nowadays the share of men working in the digital sector is 3.1 times greater than the share of women.
In order to improve and increase the adult educator-coach competence Understanding importance of women employment in the digital sector the following main skills will be developed during the training course:
- Awareness of gender-based vertical and horizontal segregation in the labour market
- Understanding the ways to reduce the gender pay gap in the labour market
- Capacity to motivate women’s employment in the digital sector
- Awareness of women’s employment opportunities in the digital sector
- Capacity to empower women to tackle gender discrimination in the labour market, especially in the digital sector
Awareness of gender-based vertical and horizontal segregation in the labour market
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand the factors influencing the gender-based vertical and horizontal segregation in the labour market, will be trained on how to analyse the statistical data in EU and project partner countries related with gender segregation in the labour market, discuss with the female learners how gender segregation in the labour market is impacting them, address the broader social context, related to the segregation in the labour market.
Understanding the ways to reduce the gender pay gap in the labour market
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand what the gender pay gap means, will be trained on how to analyse the statistical data proving gender pay gap in EU and native country, analyse the factors influencing pay gap, explain the negative influence of gender-based segregation in the labour market on the pay gap, explain for female learners the impact of the pay gap on women’s pensions and poverty, analyse the pay gap within the digital sector, emphasizes significance and measures of reducing the gender pay gap.
Capacity to motivate women’s employment in the digital sector
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will be trained on how to raise awareness on the benefits for women to be employed in the digital sector of the labour market, explain the financial and moral benefits of being employed in the digital sector, use role models for women’s motivation to be employed in the digital sector of the labour market, share stories of opportunities and challenges, highlight that the key benefit of the digital economy is that it allows and encourages remote working and offers women the possibility to better combine motherhood and the pursuit of a career.
Awareness of women’s employment opportunities in the digital sector
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand the new opportunities related for women’s employment in the digital sector, will be trained on how to develop arguments for female learners to join the digital sector by her level of education (high, higher, vocational), find information on training or retraining in the digital sector by the female learners’ needs and situation, support the participants to take up the re-qualification course offered by the Labour Exchange offices’ nationally.
Capacity to empower women to tackle gender discrimination in the labour market, especially in the digital sector
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will be trained on how to identify discrimination cases while entering the labour market in the digital sector, analyse the possible discrimination of women in career advancement in digital sector labour market, understand the methods and tools to empower female learners to make the positive changes in their life, motivate female learners towards re-qualification in the digital sector of the labour market, apply the role model method to empower female learners to be employed in the digital sector.
- In order to make the online learning process more attractive and interactive, and to ensure the possibility for self- checking of the obtained knowledge, self-assessment questionnaire with at least four closed questions will be available for each of the five skills, defined above. At the end of the module, the set of question for self-reflection are provided as well.
- The adult educators-learners are provided with the useful links in English and national languages for further deepening of the knowledge for this Module.
7. MODULE III. "Effective coaching and motivation strategies to increase demand and take-up of re-qualifications of women into the digital sector of the labour market"
Module III aims to develop the adult educator’s four basic coaching competences needed to become a coach for female learners towards employment in the digital sector of the labour market: Meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards; Establishing a trust-based relationship with the female learner; Communicating effectively and Facilitating learning and its results.
The objectives of Module III are to:
- equip the adult educators with effective coaching and motivation strategies to increase demand and take-up of re-qualifications of female learners into the digital sector of the labour market;
- raise awareness of the necessity to apply the basic coaching competences: Meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards; Establishing a trust-based relationship with the female learner; Communicating effectively and Facilitating learning and its results;
- deepen knowledge on main skills related to four basic coaching competence;
- ensure the possibility for self- checking of the obtained knowledge;
- provide adult educators with links and references for deepening their knowledge on four basic coaching competence.
7.1. Competence “Meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards”
Theoretical background
The adult educator-coach competence Meeting ethical principles and professional standards in coaching of female learners is the ability to collaborate with female learners, including with disadvantaged background, in a thought-provoking and creative learning process that inspires them to maximize their personal potential to set the goals and develop the actions’ plan for further steps to enter the digital jobs.
This competence is based on the knowledge of professional coaching standards and the code of ethics in order to apply the appropriate ethical principles to female learners defined in The professional charter for coaching and mentoring (2011).
Awareness of different coaching techniques and methods (Eric Parsloe, Melville Leedham, 2017) is important for organising the effective coaching process and apply the appropriate coaching methods and techniques.
Awareness of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (2016) is crucial in the coaching process in order to properly maintain, store and dispose of any records, including electronic files and face to face and online communications with the female learners.
Knowledge of the EU Racial equality directive (2000/43/EC) and EU Employment framework directive (2000/78/EC) includes understanding the principles of diversity and non-discrimination regarding ethnic and racial origin, disability, religion or belief, age and sexual orientation as well as the importance to respect the cultural diversity. It will help to define the clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern interactions with female learners.
In order to improve and increase the adult educator-coach competence Meeting ethical principles and professional standards in coaching of female learners the following main skills will be developed during the training course:
- Applying the appropriate ethical principles to female learners coaching
- Understanding professional coaching standards
- Using the appropriate coaching techniques and methods in work with female learners
- Awareness of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Respecting cultural diversity
Applying the appropriate ethical principles to female learners coaching
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand the ethical principles of couching, will be trained on how to define the ethic codes at the beginning of couching, apply coaching ethics and standards appropriately in all coaching situations, identify and use emerging and growing technological developments that are being used in coaching services (technology-assisted coaching services) and be aware how various ethical standards apply to them, be aware of and actively manage any power or status difference between a coach and the female learners that may be caused by cultural, relational, psychological or contextual issues.
Understanding professional coaching standards
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand professional coaching standards, deepen understanding on professional coaching standards using different possible online trainings in national languages, will be trained on how to apply the professional coaching standards, explain the coaching concept to female learners, establish and maintains the expectations and boundaries of the coaching contract with the female learner, develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with the female learners.
Using the appropriate coaching techniques and methods in work with female learners
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand the variety of coaching techniques and methods, deepen knowledge on coaching techniques and methods in national language using different online training course, will be trained on how to apply coaching technics and methods successfully for motivation female learners to seek jobs in the digital sector, collaborate with female learners in a thought-provoking and creative learning process that inspires them to maximize their personal potential to set the goals and develop the actions’ plan for further steps to enter the digital jobs, manage progress and accountability of the coaching process.
Awareness of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand EU General Data Protection Regulation, will be trained on how to explain EU General Data Protection Regulation to female learners, apply EU General Data Protection Regulation in coaching practice, maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all parties as agreed upon, maintain, store and dispose of any records, including electronic files and communications, created during the coaching process in a manner that promotes confidentiality, security and privacy and complies with any applicable laws and agreements.
Respecting cultural diversity
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand the importance and benefits of respecting cultural diversity, will be trained on how to deal in accordance with the cultural background and situation of female learner, set clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern interactions with female learners, acknowledge the validity of different cultural expressions during the communication with the female learner.
- In order to make the online learning process more attractive and interactive, and to ensure the possibility for self- checking of the obtained knowledge, self-assessment questionnaire with at least four closed questions will be available for each of the five skills, defined above for the competence “Meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards”.
- The adult educators-learners are provided with the useful links in English and national languages for further deepening of the knowledge for competence “Meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards”.
7.2. Competence “Establishing a trust-based relationship with the female learner”
Theoretical background
The adult educator-coach competence Establishing a trust-based relationship with female learners is the ability to create a safe, supportive learning environment that produces ongoing mutual respect and trust.
The competence is based on knowledge of the different types of trust in the coaching relations and includes an understanding of how to build mutual respect and trust with female learners as well as using of non-discriminatory language in work with female learners (Carly Anderson, 2020). The awareness of how identifying specific emotional barriers of the female learner is important to create trust-based relationship during the coaching process. The ability to have a complete and open, honest discussion arises from “absolute confidentiality”; it is the final component in having full, mutual freedom of expression, the other two being openness and listening (James Flaherty, 2010). Implementing a trust-based attitude toward female learners will empower them and enhance their possibilities to obtain a better job within the digital sector and improve their life situation. To achieve this, adult educator-coach should be aware of showing genuine concern for the female learners’ welfare and future. They should focus their effort on showing female learners the perspectives on being employed in the digital sector, and the necessity to obtain the skills that will be useful for this. Knowledge of the main principles of establishing good relations includes an understanding of importance to create an open, flexible and confidence-based relationship with the female learners, so they can feel confident when asking unclear questions. Awareness of the methods and tools on how to meet the individual needs of female learners within the coaching process is very important too in order to create the trust-based coaching relations (John Whitehead, 2015). It will help to define the daily reality of the female learner and to base the coaching process accordingly to meet the learner’s needs (Qing Wang, 2018).
In order to improve and increase the adult educator-coach competence Establishing a trust-based relationship with female learners the following main skills will be developed during the training course:
- Building on mutual respect and trust with female learners
- Showing genuine concern for the female learners’ welfare and future
- Creating an open, flexible and confidence-based relationship with the female learners
- Meeting individual needs of female learners
- Using non-discriminatory language in work with female learners

Building on mutual respect and trust with female learners
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will understand the types of the trust-based relations; will be trained on how to define the factors of creating the mutual respect and trust in coaching, apply the suitable for female learner trust-based relations based on mutual respect, create a safe and supportive learning environment, make female learners feel that you respect their opinions, show the positive attitude towards female learners without the nonconstructive criticism and negative comments.
Showing genuine concern for the female learners’ welfare and future
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will be trained on how to speak openly about the female learner problems and current situation, support the female learners in defining their future aims and goals, show the female learners the perspectives on being employed in the digital sector, and the necessity to obtain the skills that will be useful for this, show empathy.
Creating an open, flexible and confidence-based relationship with the female learners
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will understand the main principles of creating good relationship with the female learner; will be trained on how to discuss and define the code of suitable for female learner relationship, employ a communication style that is open, flexible and confident, provide support and advice for female learner if need, treat them in a friendly manner but respectfully.
Meeting individual needs of female learners
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will understand the different methods and tool how to meet the individual needs of female learners, will be trained on how to discuss openly the individual needs of female learner during the coaching, help to evaluate weak and strong points of female learners towards achieving their aims, discuss with the female learners if the perspectives in career change towards digital sector could meet their needs.
Using non-discriminatory language in work with female learners
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will understand the importance of using non-discriminatory language within the coaching process; will be trained on how to distinguish between harmful and appropriate non-discriminatory vocabulary in coaching the female learner, deal with the disadvantaged female learners in the full respect , use of inclusive language (i.e.: avoid the use of pejorative terms or jokes about the gender, race or ethnicity), discuss with the female learners the necessity to avoid the discriminatory vocabulary towards other learners within the coaching process, especially in the group coaching.
- In order to make the online learning process more attractive and interactive, and to ensure the possibility for self- checking of the obtained knowledge, self-assessment questionnaire with at least four closed questions will be available for each of the five skills, defined above for this competence.
- The adult educators-learners are provided with the useful links in English and national languages for further deepening of the knowledge for competence “Establishing a trust-based relationship with the female learner”.
7.3. Competence ”Communicating effectively“
Theoretical background
The adult educator-coach competence Communicating effectively with female learners is the ability to act in a simple, correct and efficient way during the coaching process.
The competence is based on the knowledge of the different factors influencing the effective communication as well as the methods and tools to communicate effectively about the needs and desires of the female learners, especially with the disadvantaged background (Know your Audience! A smart guide for analyzing your learners’ needs, 2016). Effective communication plays a very important role in the coaching process and is based on the knowledge of the active listening techniques and the skillful reception and analysis of the learners’ messages (Use Active Listening to Coach Others, 2019). Awareness of the different types of the verbal and non-verbal communication (8 Important Types of Nonverbal Communication, 2020) includes understanding on how the coach has to express a specific message in such a way that it will be appropriated for female learners from the different cultural background.
The knowledge of the techniques for correct feedback (Roland and Frances Bee, 1996) is important and allows to ensure effective communication by providing essential feedback during the coaching process. Empathy, understanding, tolerance and acceptance are also of great importance in communication to encourage self-expression of female learners.
In order to improve and increase the adult educator-coach competence Communicating effectively with female learners the following main skills will be developed during the training course:
- Analysing the needs and desires of female learners
- Active listening during the coaching process
- Encouraging self-expression of female learners
- Awareness of importance to provide the feedback during the coaching process
- Using non-verbal communication appropriately
Analysing the needs and desires of female learners
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will be trained on how to perceive and analyse the needs and desires of female learner in the process of career change towards the digital sector, define the ways and peculiarities to communicate about the needs and desires of disadvantaged female learners, focus attention on what the female learners says and do not impose their goals, needs and visions, define the female learners concerns, goals, values and beliefs, apply various types of questions during the coaching process that will bring the female learner closer to her desires.
Active listening during the coaching process
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand how to enhance their active listening capacities, will be trained on how to identify an obstacle to apply the active listening within the coaching of female learners, understand the importance of active listening for effective coaching, use active listening techniques, react properly to voice tone and body language of the female learners, discuss the female learner ideas and suggestions that arise during the conversation.
Encouraging self-expression of female learners
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand what the self-expressions means, will be trained on how to explain for female learners the importance of the self-expression during the coaching, apply the technics for developing the self-expression of female learners, support the female learners’ self-expression.
Awareness of importance to provide the feedback during the coaching process
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand the meaning of constructive feedback in the coaching process, will be trained on how to apply the different tools in providing the constructive feedback, clearly express their thoughts towards positive and negative expressions of the female learners, ensure two-ways communication to identify the issues and come up with the suggestions, use metaphors and analogies to illustrate a point of view or sketch a verbal image, adjust the language of the adult educator to the language of the female learner.
Using non-verbal communication appropriately
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators will understand the types of non-verbal communication, the reasons and importance of using non-verbal communication in coaching, the potential barriers in applying non-verbal communication for female learners from the different cultural background, will be trained on how to define the appropriate for female learner types of non-verbal communication to ensure she is feeling comfortable with it (like ,,open” and positive body language, providing personal space, paralanguage, eye contact, physical expressions, etc.).
- In order to make the online learning process more attractive and interactive, and to ensure the possibility for self- checking of the obtained knowledge, self-assessment questionnaire with at least four closed questions will be available for each of the five skills, defined above for this competence.
- The adult educators-learners are provided with the useful links in English and national languages for further deepening of the knowledge for competence “Communicating effectively”.
7.4. Competence “Facilitating learning and its results”
Theoretical background
The adult educator-coach competence Facilitating learning and its results is the ability to act as a facilitator and organiser providing resources and support to learners.
This competence is based on knowledge of key aspects of successful learning where the adult educator-coach supports and facilitates the female learners to develop and shape their own learning goals and achievements (ICF Competencies Facilitating Learning and Result). Awareness of appropriate motivation methods encouraging female learners to learn (Wilcox, 2008) includes an understanding of how to facilitate learning, which will have a major impact on creating successful learning outcomes for your female learners. The knowledge of the different learning styles (Reid, 2005) includes an understanding of the necessity to suggest the different learning methods following female learners’ abilities to learn.
Awareness in effective facilitation by using of the role model method (What is role modelling?) and examples of good practices (Best Practices) includes an understanding of the importance of these methods and ability to apply them during the facilitation process.
Awareness of the development of the actions plan (The Easy Guide to Developing an Effective Action Plan) includes an understanding of the importance of supporting female learners in developing action plans toward getting employment in the digital sector.
To improve and increase the adult educator-coach competence Facilitating learning and its results the following main skills will be developed during the training course:
- Understanding the key aspects of successful learning
- Applying the appropriate motivation methods encouraging female learners to learn
- Using different learning methods in accordance with female learner’s abilities to learn
- Effective facilitation by using the role models and examples of good practices
- Capacity to encourage learners to develop actions plans to achieve their desirable results

Understanding the key aspects of successful learning
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will understand the variety of factors of successful learning, will be trained on how to recognise the learning problems, to explain for female learners how to lead in their own successful learning, to discuss with female learners the importance of self-discipline while organizing their learning process, to explain for female learners the importance of willingness to take risks and learn from their mistakes, to discuss with female learners the importance of engagement with the world around them, to guide female learners towards importance of questioning everything.
Applying the appropriate motivation methods encouraging female learners to learn
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will understand the reasons of the luck of motivation to learn and obtain skills necessary to get employed in the digital sector, will be trained on how to guide female learners in the variety of the motivation methods, to choose the appropriate motivation method for encouragement of female learners, to explain for female learners the importance of inner motivation to obtain skills necessary for employment in the digital sector, to keep female learners’ self-esteem and encourage them to overcome learning hurdles and problems.
Using different learning methods in accordance with female learner’s abilities to learn
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will understand the variety of the learning methods which could be suggested for female learner, will be trained on how to identify the major female learners’ strengths for learning and growth, to guide female learners to identify their best abilities to learn (listening, reading, discussing, learning by doing), to suggest the appropriate learning methods in accordance with female learner’s abilities, to identify what are the most important learning topics to be addressed for female learners during the coaching on the topic of “digital market”.
Effective facilitation by using the role models and examples of good practices
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will understand the importance of the role model method for motivation female learner to seek the positive changes in their lives, will be trained on how to use the role model method during the facilitating process, encourage female learner to discuss the possibility to follow the role model, to recognise and collect examples of good practices in accordance with the learner’s needs and situation, to use examples of good practices during facilitating process, to encourage female learners to seek for the good practices on the Internet or other sources, and discuss the possibility to follow it.
Capacity to encourage learners to develop actions plans to achieve their desirable results
Within the learning process for developing this skill, adult educators-coaches will understand the importance of developing the actions plans to achieve the desirable results, will be trained on how to explain to female learners how to prepare/develop actions plan using the suggested by facilitator format, to encourage the female learners to search for the different open educational resources and paid courses in digital sector, which could be included into their Action Plans in order the to improve digital skills, necessary to achieve the results, to support female learners in developing action plans towards getting employment at the digital sector.
- In order to make the online learning process more attractive and interactive, and to ensure the possibility for self- checking of the obtained knowledge, self-assessment questionnaire with at least four closed questions will be available for each of the five skills, defined above for this competence.
- The adult educators-learners are provided with the useful links in English and national languages for further deepening of the knowledge for competence “Facilitating learning and its results”.
At the end of Module III, the set of question for self-reflection are provided as well.
8. Methodology and the Lessons plan for the coaching process
The Lessons plan presents the process of coaching and facilitating the transition of female learners for employment in the digital sector of the labour market. This innovative learning pathway includes the usage of the set of Open Educational Resources (OERs) for women: “Why re-qualification for employment in the digital sector is important for me?”
There are:
- Interactive readings “ABC on gender equality in the labour market”.
- Digital stories “Successful women in the digital sector of the labour market” (20 digital stories).
- Compendium of (re-)training programs for qualifications in the digital sector of the labour market.
- Action plan “My further steps into employment in the digital sector”.
The whole coaching process also takes into account the needs of female learners with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities. The adult educators will be training within the training course to be sensitive to the needs of this target group, success stories are also present the role modules for female learners with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities.
The Lessons’ plan is developed to help adult educators-coaches to implement the coaching as a blended learning process using the reversed training methodology. It means that the adult-educator-coach will give the female learners the possibility for self-learning the developed OERs and then will facilitate the discussion with the learner on their basis. The role model method will be used as well for organizing the coaching process based on the OER-“Successful women in the digital sector of the labour market”. The basis of the discussion on these stories is the questions for self-reflection, provided in each of the stories. The coaching process is defined for 28 a. hours with 5 sessions, 3 –face-to-face coaching sessions and 2 online sessions for self-learning. However, the adult educator coach could adapt the lessons plan to the needs of the learners and to re-arrange the Lessons plan (with more or less training sessions). There are two possibilities to organise the coaching process- personal coaching (one-to-one) and group coaching (one coach for 4-5 female learners). In the case of the group coaching the dialogical group method could be applied as well.

No | Type of the session | Duration (*a. h) | Content/Topics |
1 | Face-to-face | 4 | · Introduction of the participants, elicit their expectations.
· Describing the main aims of the coaching process. · Presentation of the European and national situations in the digital sector of the labour market. · Brainstorming/discussions on the topic of women’s involvement in the digital sector- based on the learner’s obstacles. · Setting tasks for the individual on-line session “Interactive readings “ABC on gender equality in the labour market” and Digital stories “Successful women in the digital sector of the labour market”. |
2 | Online session
e-learning via platform |
8 | ü The detailed studying “Interactive readings “ABC on gender equality in the labour market”.
ü Analysing the Digital stories “Successful women in the digital sector of the labour market”, make the written feedback on the questions for self-reflection. |
3 | Face-to-face | 4 | · Discussions of the situation in the digital sector from the personal view of the female learners, defining her obstacles and sensitising towards positive changes in her life.
· Getting feedback from the success stories. Defining the opportunities for the female learner to follow. · Presenting different opportunities to re-training towards employment in the digital sector. · Setting tasks for the individual on-line session: using Compendium of (re-)training programs for qualifications in the digital sector of the labour market to find out the learning opportunity for a female learner following her educational background. |
4 | Online session | 8 | ü The detailed studying of Compendium of (re-)training programs for qualifications in the digital sector of the labour market.
ü Define the Action plan “My further steps into employment in the digital sector” based on the notices about the possible re-training program for the learner. |
5 | Face-to-face | 4 | Final session:
· Discussions of performed analysis of the re-training programs. · Analysing the Action plan “My further steps into employment in the digital sector”. · Reflection from the participants on how their expectations were met. · Evaluation of the coaching and its impact on the learner’s plans. |
TOTAL | 28 |
9. Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, adult educators will be able to:
- understand the importance for women to be employed in the digital sector;
- understand how to promote gender equality in the access to learning and use of employment in the digital sector;
- motivate female learners to take part in learning towards employment in the digital sector of the labour market;
- deliver to the female learners effective coaching towards the digital sector of the labour market.

10. Training and learning strategies
The reversed training methodology of delivering the training course Go-Digital is based on a blended learning approach with innovative flipped classroom scenario. The learners are adult educators willing to become coaches. The training process involves a facilitator, who guides the learners to make an initial analysis of the on-line training materials by themselves. After fulfilling their independent learning tasks, the trainees discuss the results with the facilitator in face-to-face meetings. Thus, the training process includes a combination of face-to-face and online learning. The proposed Training plan is presented in Part 11.
The training course Go-Digital will be presented as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and it allows implement the above-defined reversed training methodology. Other benefits of using MOOC for the learning strategy are:
- flexibility as learners learn at their own place;
- free learning access and unrestricted participation;
- immediate feedback provided to the learner after fulfilling interactive and programmed online exercises;
- ability to use the flipped classroom scenario;
- possibility for participants from the remote areas to join the face-to-face classroom meetings using video-conference facilities, like Skype, ZOOM, Messenger, WhatsApp, Google meetings;
- Interactivity using active learning techniques and new ICT technologies to engage learners.

Besides reading and interactive online activities, the MOOC also provides a platform for interactive forums and data bank of certified facilitators. The learners’ performance in MOOC can be monitored easily using the data captured during the start of course. The MOOC also provides the possibility to learn one-to-one (one learner with one facilitator) and many-to-one (facilitator will work with the group of learners).
11. Assessment strategy

The assessment strategy to recognise the adult educators-coaches’ competences obtained during the training course Go-Digital is based on a self-assessment test, which is presented as an Open Educational Resources at the project’ s web-site. The self-assessment test includes at least 30 closed questions, 5 for each of the 6 competences developed within the training course Go-Digital. The assessment strategy includes two stages: pre-assessment and post-assessment and it allows define the impact of the training course on developing the necessary competences. After completing the post-assessment test successfully, learners will get a Digital badge “Coach on female employment in the digital sector to promote gender equality in the labour market”.
Digital badge displays on the MOOC, after the finishing the training process and has a meta-data to communicate details of the badge to anyone wishing to verify it or learn more about the context of the achievement it signifies.
This assessment strategy is oriented to improve recognition and supporting the validation of competences acquired through non-formal training course “Coach on female employment in the digital sector in order to promote gender equality in the labour market”.
12. Training plan for “Go-Digital training course”
The training plan is developed to help organize training for adult educators willing to become the coach for female employment in the digital sector of the labour market.
This plan gives a step-by-step overview of the blended learning process using reversed training methodology defined in Part 9.
No | Method | Duration (*a. h) | Content/Topics |
1 | Face-to-face | 6 | · Getting to know.
· Learners expectations. · Sensitising – Brainstorming about the barriers of female participation in the digital sector of the labour market. · Introduction of the Go-Digital Training Course for adult educators. · Initial assessment of competence of adult educators willing to become the coach. · Introduction of Module I and Module II. · Giving the task for online self-learning. |
2 | Online session | 12 | ü Self-learning of Module I and Module II. Fulfilling the tests and print them out for discussions during the F2F session.
ü Self-reflection on the provided at the end of Module I and II questions. |
3 | Face-to-face | 6 | · Group work exercises on Module I, discussions using the questions for self-reflection.
· Group work on exercises on Module II, discussions using the questions for self-reflection. · Brainstorming on the understanding of the coaching process. · Introduction of Module III (sub-modules I-IV). · Presenting of the Set of OERs. Analysing one success story and filling the “Feedback sheet” on it. |
4 | Online session | 30 | ü Self-learning of Module III, sub-modules 1-4. Fulfilling the tests and print them out for discussions during the F2F session.
ü Self-reflection on the provided at the end of each of sub-modules 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 questions. ü Analysing the Lessons plan for coaching process (sub-module 3.5). Fulfilling the set of OERs and filling in the “Feedback sheet” for all OERs to bring it to F2F session. |
5 | Face-to-face | 4 | · Group work on the exercises, on results of self-learning on Module III, 1-4 sub-modules, discussions using the questions for self-reflection.
· Discussion of the Lessons plan. Analyse the importance of the Set of OERs to facilitate the coaching process (based on Feedback sheet” form filled in by learners. |
6 | Face-to-face | 2 | Final session:
· Post-assessment to recognise the learner’s competences obtained during the training course Go-Digital. · Digital badge “Coach on female employment in the digital sector in order to promote gender equality in the labour market”. |
TOTAL | 60 |
The MOOC also provides a platform for interactive forums and data bank of certified facilitators. The learners’ performance in MOOC can be monitored easily using the data captured during the start of course.
13. Teaching and learning facilities
The adult education institutions which will organize the Go-Digital training courses according to the prepared training plan should ensure a convenient learning environment, technical equipment and tools, necessary for providing the teaching and learning process based on the blended learning approach within the following facilities:
- classroom with multimedia projector and a computer with the possibility to use PowerPoint for face-to-face meetings;
- access to the personal computers with the internet connection to the MOOC “Go-Digital” on the project’s website: godigital.lmlo.lt;
- other organizational tools for face-to-face meetings (board, handouts, paper, etc.).
The trainers of Go-Digital training course should be prepared for teaching process respectively.
They should:
- be able to create a psychologically friendly learning environment;
- be acquainted with the background of the audiences and be aware of their needs and expectations;
- to have a good understanding of the importance of assessing the learner’s competences and the benefit of further validation of them;
- have knowledge and experience in teaching the topic of gender equality;
- have experience in organising and providing the coaching process;
- have the knowledge and skills to organize e-learning sessions using the MOOC;
- have a good knowledge of the teaching content (Modules I-III);
- have essential personal characteristics: to have good communication skills, to be tolerant, to be able to motivate learners to learn;
- have to have been good facilitator’s skills like abilities to initiate discussions, collect reflections, react on feedback, provide summarized answers, etc.

14. References
- 8 Important Types of Nonverbal Communication, 2020. Retrieved from the web-site: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/important-types-of-nonverbal-communication#what-is-nonverbal-communication
- Carly Anderson, 2020. Types of Trust in coaching relation. Retrieved from the web-site: https://carlyanderson.com/types-of-trust-in-a-coaching-relationship
- Digital Sector Economic Estimates, 2016. Retrieved from the web-site: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/503666/Digital_Sector_Economic_Estimates_-_January_2016_Revised.pdf
- EIGE Gender Statistics Database, 2019. Retrieved from the web-site: https://eige.europa.eu/gender-statistics/dgs/data-talks
- Eric Parsloe, Melville Leedham, 2017. Coaching and mentoring. Practical techniques for developing learning and performance (Edited by Diane Newell). Retrieved from website: https://books.google.ro/books?hl=ro&lr=&id=oU2iDQAAQBAJ& oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=coaching+techniques+%2B+europe&ots=XUXd-fAuz8&sig=KvkGQtmC5-Ri4z_42Iv8fUuLA5w&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=coaching%20techniques%20%2B%20europe&f=false
- EU Employment framework directive (2000/78/EC). Retrieved from website: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=166&langId=en
- EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The European Parliament and the Council of EU, 2016. Retrieved from website: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2016/679
- EU Racial equality directive (2000/43/EC). Retrieved from website: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32000L0043
- European Commission, 2018. Study on Women in the Digital Age. Retrieved from the web-site: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/increase-gender-gap-digital-sector-study-women-digital-age
- European Commission, 2020. Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025. Retrieved from the web-site https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2020%3A152%3AFIN.
- European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), 2017. Gender segregation in education, training and the labour market. Retrieved from the web-site: http://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-14624-2017-ADD-2/en/pdf
- How to Decrease Gender Pay Gap in 7 Steps, 2019. Retrieved from the web-site: https://www.market-inspector.co.uk/blog/2017/06/decrease-gender-pay-gap
- James Flaherty, 2010. Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others. Third edition. SBN 10: 1856178161 / ISBN 13: 9781856178167. Published by Routledge, 2011.
- John Whitehead, 2015. What is Trust in the Coaching Relationship? Retrieved from the web-site https://johnkwhitehead.ca/what-is-trust-in-the-coaching-relationship /
- Know your Audience! A smart guide for analyzing your learners’ needs, e-learning, 2016. Retrieved from the web-site: https://www.efrontlearning.com/blog/2016/10/guide-learners-needs-analysis.html
- Qing Wang, 2018. Coaching Psychology for Learning– Facilitating Growth in Education. ISBN-13: 978-1138047938/ISBN-10: 1138047937, Published by Routledge, 2018.
- Roland and Frances Bee, Constructive feedback, 1996. Retrieved from: https://books.google.pl/books?hl=lt&lr=&id=fFLX0vssr7kC&oi=fnd&pg=PA852927457&dq=importance+of+constructive+feedback+in+coaching&ots=zwoXXk-3IJ&sig=jyvF6qDkWXcc7X9rEjsb5jj7rgk&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=true
- The Council of EU, 2011. European Pact for Gender Equality 2011–2020. Retrieved from the web-site https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52011XG0525%2801%29
- The European Parliament and the Council of EU, 2019, Directive (EU) 2019/1158 on work-life balance. Retrieved from the web-site https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32019L1158&from=EN
- The gender pay gap situation in the EU, 2017. Retrieved from the web-site: https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/gender-equality/equal-pay/gender-pay-gap-situation-eu_lt
- The professional charter for coaching and mentoring, 2011. Retrieved from website: https://www.eesc.europa.eu/resources/docs/142-private-act–2.pdf
- United Nations, 1979. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Retrieved from the web-site https://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/cedaw/cedaw.htm
- Use Active Listening to Coach Others, 2019. Retrieved from the web-site: https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/coaching-others-use-active-listening-skills/
- ICF Competencies Facilitating Learning and Result; retrieved from the web-site http://resultscoachingglobal.com/icf-competencies/
- Gavin Reid, (2005) Learning Styles and Inclusion. SAGE, ISBN: 9781412910644
- Luke Wilcox (2018) Top 5 Strategies for Motivating Students. Retrieved from the web-site https://www.nbpts.org/top-5-strategies-for-motivating-students/
- What is role modelling? Retrieved from the web-site https://www.nursingtimes.net/roles/nurse-educators/role-modelling-as-a-teaching-method-for-student-mentors-28-06-2005/
- Best Practices in Education. Retrieved from the web-site https://www.cloud.edu/Assets/pdfs/assessment/inst.%20strategy_best%20practices%20in%20education.pdf
- The Easy Guide to Developing an Effective Action Plan. Retrieved from the web-site https://creately.com/blog/diagrams/how-to-write-an-action-plan/
15. Annex 1. List of the Competences, skills and abilities
- Specific competence: Understanding gender equality
Name of the skill | Some tips to define the abilities for the skill |
1. Awareness of discrimination by gender and multiple discrimination | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· direct and indirect discrimination, · recognize multiple discrimination (for example age and gender, race and gender), · analyse the statistical data related to gender and multiple discrimination in EU and your country analyse and understand (anti)discriminatory international and national acts, · identify gender-based discriminatory behaviour, · distinguish between, · analyse how discrimination is handled, · cope with discrimination. |
2. Demonstrating anti-discriminatory behaviour in the learning environment | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· identify the cases of gender discrimination in learning environment, · identify the cases of multiple discrimination in learning environment, · avoid discriminatory behaviour in the classroom towards female learners, · react properly to any discriminatory situations in the classroom, · analyse and prevent discriminatory behaviour of learners in learning environment. |
3. Understanding the benefits of work-life balance | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· explain female learners the concept of work-life balance (WLB), · identify the importance of WLB measures for women’s career advancement, · understand work-life measures which could be undertaken by the employer, education organisations and state in order to promote equal opportunities for women and men in labour market, · promote the concept of the work-file balance within the family life, · explain the importance of men’s involvement in childcare, in caring for elderly and dependent people, · discuss with female learners what appropriate measures are for achieving work-life balance in their lives. |
4. Understanding the barriers to equal participation of women in re-/training programmes | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· identify many different barriers in limiting women’s access to participation in re/training programs helping them to find a job in digital sector, · explain to female learners the reasons and benefits of retraining needed to start a career in digital sector, · show the ways how female learners can overcome the barriers to re/training needed to work in digital sector, · empower women’s equal participation in re/training program to prepare them to work in digital sector, · use the success stories for female learners coaching. |
5. Awareness on gender stereotypes in the labour market | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· identify the gender stereotypes in labour market, · understand and avoid gendered stereotyping in digital market in the coaching process · analyse the role of education, qualification and requalification in order to overcome stereotypes in the labour market, · analyse the consequences of the traditional/ stereotypical female and male roles in labour market, · explain necessity to change the traditional roles of men and women in labour market, · analyse the stereotypes existing in re-/qualification and employment in digital sector. |
- Specific competence: Understanding importance of women employment in digital sector
Name of the skill | Some tips to define the abilities for the skill |
1. Awareness of gender-based vertical and horizontal segregation in the labour market | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the factors influencing the gender based vertical and horizontal segregation in the labour market, · analyse the statistical data in EU and project partner countries related with gender segregation in the labour market, · discuss with the female learners how gender segregation in the labour market is impacting them, · address the broader social context, related to the segregation in the labour market. |
2. Understanding the ways to reduce gender pay gap in the labour market | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand what does the gender pay gap means, · analyse the statistical data proving gender pay gap in EU and native country, · analyse the factors influencing pay gap, · explain the negative influence of gender-based segregation in the labour market on the pay gap, · explain for female learners the impact of pay gap on women’s pensions and poverty, · analyse the pay gap within the digital sector, · emphasizes significance and measures of reducing the gender pay gap. |
3. Capacity to motivate women’s employment in digital sector | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· raise awareness on the benefits for women to be employed in the digital sector of the labour market, · explain the financial and moral benefits of being employed in the digital sector, · use role models for women’s motivation to be employed in the digital sector of the labour market, · share stories of opportunities and challenges, · highlight that the key benefit of the digital economy is that it allows and encourages remote working. This offers women the possibility to better combine motherhood and the pursuit of a career. |
4. Awareness of women’s employment opportunities in digital sector | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the new opportunities related for women’s employment in the digital sector, · develop arguments for female learners to join digital sector in accordance with her level of education (high, higher, vocational), · find information on training or retraining in digital sector in accordance with the female learners needs and situation, · support the participants to take up the re-qualification course offered by the Labour Exchange offices’ nationally. |
5. Capacity to empower women to tackle gender discrimination in the labour market, especially in digital sector | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· identify discrimination cases while entering the labour market in the digital sector, · analyse the possible discrimination of women in career advancement in digital sector labour market, · understand the methods and tools to empower female learners to make the positive changes in their life, · motivate female learners towards re-qualification in the digital sector of the labour market, · apply the role model method to empower female learners to be employed in the digital sector. |
- Basic competence: Meeting ethical principles and professional standards in coaching of female learners
Name of the skill | Some tips to define the abilities for the skill |
1. Applying the appropriate ethical principles to female learners coaching | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the ethical principles of couching, · define the ethic codes at the beginning of couching, · apply coaching ethics and standards appropriately in all coaching situations, · identify and use emerging and growing technological developments that are being used in coaching services (technology-assisted coaching services) and be aware how various ethical standards apply to them, · be aware of and actively manage any power or status difference between a coach and the female learners that may be caused by cultural, relational, psychological or contextual issues. |
2. Understanding professional coaching standards | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand professional coaching standards, · deepen understanding on professional coaching standards using different possible online trainings in national languages, · apply the professional coaching standards, · explain the coaching concept to female learners, · establish and maintains the expectations and boundaries of the coaching contract with the female learner, · develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with the female learners. |
3. Using the appropriate coaching techniques and methods in work with female learners | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the variety of coaching techniques and methods, · deepening knowledge on coaching techniques and methods in national language using different online training course, · apply coaching technics and methods successfully for motivation female learners to seek jobs in the digital sector, · collaborate with female learners in a thought-provoking and creative learning process that inspires them to maximize their personal potential to set the goals and develop the actions’ plan for further steps to enter the digital jobs, · manage progress and accountability of the coaching process. |
4. Awareness of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand EU General Data Protection Regulation, · explain EU General Data Protection Regulation to female learners, · apply EU General Data Protection Regulation in coaching practice, · maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all parties as agreed upon, · maintain, store and dispose of any records, including electronic files and communications, created during the coaching process in a manner that promotes confidentiality, security and privacy and complies with any applicable laws and agreements. |
5. Respecting cultural diversity | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the importance and benefits of respecting cultural diversity, · deal in accordance with the cultural background and situation of female learner, · set clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern interactions with female learners, · acknowledge the validity of different cultural expressions during the communication with the female learner. |
- Basic competence: Establishing a trust-based relationship with female learners
Name of the skill | Some tips to define the abilities for the skill |
1. Building on mutual respect and trust with female learners | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the types of the trust-based relations, · define the factors of creating the mutual respect and trust in coaching, · apply the suitable for female learner trust-based relations based on mutual respect, · create a safe and supportive learning environment, · make female learners feel that you respect their opinions, · show the positive attitude towards female learners without the nonconstructive criticism and negative comments. |
2. Showing genuine concern for the female learners’ welfare and future | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· speak openly about the female learner problems, current situation, · support the female learners in defining their future aims and goals, · show the female learners the perspectives on being employed in the digital sector, and the necessity to obtain the skills that will be useful for this, · show empathy. |
3. Creating an open, flexible and confidence-based relationship with the female learners | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the main principles of creating good relationship with the female learner, · discuss and define the code of suitable for female learner relationship, · employ a communication style that is open, flexible and confident, · provide support and advice for female learner if need, · treat them in a friendly manner but respectfully. |
4. Meeting individual needs of female learners | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the different methods and tool how to meet the individual needs of female learners, · discuss openly the individual needs of female learner during the coaching, · help to evaluate weak and strong points of female learners towards achieving their aims, · discuss with the female learners if the perspectives in career change towards digital sector could meet their needs. |
5. Using non-discriminatory language in work with female learners | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the importance of using non-discriminatory language within the coaching process, · distinguish between harmful and appropriate non-discriminatory vocabulary in coaching the female learner, · deal with the disadvantaged female learners in the full respect, · use of inclusive language (i.e.: avoid the use of pejorative terms or jokes about the gender, race or ethnicity), · discuss with the female learners the necessity to avoid the discriminatory vocabulary towards other learners within the coaching process, especially in the group coaching. |
- Basic competence: Communicating effectively with female learners
Name of the skill | Some tips to define the abilities for the skill |
1. Analysing the needs and desires of female learners | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· perceive and analyse the needs and desires of female learner in the process of career change towards the digital sector, · define the ways and peculiarities to communicate about the needs and desires of disadvantaged female learners, · focus attention on what the female learners says and do not impose their goals, needs and visions, · define the female learners concerns, goals, values and beliefs, · apply various types of questions during the coaching process that will bring the female learner closer to her desires. |
2. Active listening during the coaching process | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand how to enhance their active listening capacities, · identify an obstacle to apply the active listening within the coaching of female learners, · understand the importance of active listening for effective coaching, · use active listening techniques, · react properly to voice tone and body language of the female learners, · discuss the female learner ideas and suggestions that arise during the conversation. |
3. Encouraging self-expression of female learners | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand what the self-expressions means, · explain for female learners the importance of the self-expression during the coaching, · apply the technics for developing the self-expression of female learners, · support the female learners self-expression. |
4. Awareness of importance to provide the feedback during the coaching process | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the meaning of constructive feedback in the coaching process, · apply the different tools in providing the constructive feedback, · clearly express their thoughts towards positive and negative expressions of the female learners, · ensure two-ways communication to identify the issues and come up with the suggestions, · use metaphors and analogies to illustrate a point of view or sketch a verbal image, · adjust the language of the adult educator to the language of the female learner. |
5. Using non-verbal communication appropriately | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the types of non-verbal communication, · understand the reasons and importance of using non-verbal communication in coaching, · understand the potential barriers in applying non- verbal communication for female learners from the different cultural background, · define the appropriate for female learner types of non-verbal communication to ensure she is feeling comfortable with it (like ,,open” and positive body language, providing personal space, paralanguage, eye contact, physical expressions, etc.). |
- Basic competence: Facilitating learning and its results
Name of the skill | Some tips to define the abilities for the skill |
1. Understanding the key aspects of successful learning | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the variety of factors of successful learning, · recognise the learning problems, · explain for female learners how to lead in their own successful learning, · discuss with female learners the importance of self-discipline while organizing their learning process, · explain for female learners the importance of willingness to take risks and learn from their mistakes, · discuss with female learners the importance of engagement with the world around them, · guide female learners towards importance of questioning everything. |
2. Applying the appropriate motivation methods encouraging female learners to learn | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the reasons of the luck of motivation to learn and obtain skills necessary to get employed in the digital sector, · guide female learners in the variety of the motivation methods, · choose the appropriate motivation method for encouragement of female learners, · explain for female learners the importance of inner motivation to obtain skills necessary for employment in the digital sector, · keep female learners’ self-esteem and encourage them to overcome learning hurdles and problems. |
3. Using different learning methods in accordance with female learner’s abilities to learn | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the variety of the learning methods which could be suggested for female learner, · identify the major female learners’ strengths for learning and growth, · guide female learners to identify their best abilities to learn (listening, reading, discussing, learning by doing), · suggest the appropriate learning methods in accordance with female learner’s abilities, · identify what are the most important learning topics to be addressed for female learners during the coaching on the topic of “digital market”. |
4. Effective facilitation by using the role models and examples of good practices | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the importance of the role model method for motivation female learner to seek the positive changes in their lives, · use the role model method during the facilitating process, · encourage female learner to discuss the possibility to follow the role model, · recognise and collect examples of good practices in accordance with the learner’s needs and situation, · use examples of good practices during facilitating process, · encourage female learners to seek for the good practices on the Internet or other sources, and discuss the possibility to follow it. |
5. Capacity to encourage learners to develop actions plans in order to achieve their desirable results | Having this skill means that adult educators-coaches are able to:
· understand the importance of developing the actions plans to achieve the desirable results, · explain to female learners how to prepare/develop actions plan using the suggested by facilitator format, · encourage the female learners to search for the different open educational resources and paid courses in digital sector, which could be included into their Action Plans in order the to improve digital skills, necessary to achieve the results, · support female learners in developing action plans towards getting employment at the digital sector. |